Assess Your Tech Tools

Can you count how many tech tools you have been introduced to in the past few years and have used only once or not at all? I can count more than twenty. Some of them, I don’t even remember the names but just the visual platform. Day by day, districts are paying for technology tools […] Read more…

Google Tools in the Classroom

I distinctly remember my 10th grade English teacher telling us how to use Google to search for proper citations. Looking at him nodding and pretending to know what Google was is one of the funniest memories I have of high school. Fast forward two decades and Google is everywhere. How I function daily as an […] Read more…

Finding My Road

Did I know what SEO was? Nope. Did I know what batch creating was? Nope. Did I have a direction for a niche or an aesthetic? Nope. Sometimes there are too many questions and too many roads to follow to find answers. Plus, one is not sure which route is shorter, scenic or a less […] Read more…

Identity in America

Go back to where you came from!” I don’t need to tell you how many times I have heard the above command from strangers. I just want you to understand how confusing it is when people yell this at me from their cars and then speed away. My identity journey Let’s examine the statement: “Go […] Read more…

World Toilet Day- A United Nations Goal

If you are about to head out for the day to go shopping, do you prepare this way? Make sure you do not drink water. Make sure you use the washroom three times.  Make sure you are only 20 minutes away from your home.  I definitely don’t follow the above list in Chicago. If I […] Read more…

A Teacher’s Guide to School Options

School choice instills a lot of fear in teachers. Why? School choice means that parents can decide if they want to send their kids to private school, charter school, Montessori school and even homeschool their kids and government funds would follow the student. So no matter where the child goes, funds go with the child. […] Read more…